Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Hello Family!

Well, there were a lotta feathers flyin' and a lotta squackin' goin' on at My Heart's Fancy just the other day. You see, some of the relatives arrived and I was so excited. You can't imagine how wonderful it was to see them. I was told that they would be adopted so I need to be ready to say good-bye at a moment's notice. I don't mind. They'll get really good homes since the people who shop here are the best. In fact, before I could even flap a wing at Aunti Tilly, she flew out the door with one of my very favorite people!

I supervised the release of the youngins'. They were fairly well behaved, but a few of them got uppity! They had so many questions about the black and orange. I tried to explain that they'd know a whole lot more about that after they'd lived here awhile, but you know kids and their questions. Of course, they're all just so darned cute, I'm sure they'll be adopted in no time!

I spent some time visitin' with the folks and heard some mighty tall tales about freighters and the high seas. I think some of them were cooped up just a bit too long. Afterwards I flew up to my perch to do the greetin' and guardin'. It is my official job after all. I'll spend more time with the fam on my break times. It sure is good to get reacquainted.

I overheard my owner saying she and The Man would be traveling soon. I sure hope they are planning to take me with them and I hope it's someplace I'll wanna shake my tail feathers!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Bedlam Baseball at the Brick

I was spotted attending the O-State/Oklahoma Bedlam Baseball Series on Mother's Day Weekend. Wearing full O-State colors, I drove my owners downtown to the Bricktown Ball Park in a silver 2006 Toyota Avalon. Once seated, I read my souvenir program from cover to cover. Although seated in the heart of the opposition I thoroughly enjoyed myself as my team was led to victory 7-0. What a game! Seated next to me was the family of the opposition's star pitcher. His wife was extremely large with egg and although I was very curious as to when she would be laying that egg, I knew that question to be out of place, so I kept my big bill closed. I quacked for joy the next day when my team, the mighty Cowboys of Oklahoma State, swept the Series by winning all 3 games, a feat not appreciated (or expected) by the opposing team. I'm hoping my owners will score tickets for O-State football and basketball. Homecoming could be exciting.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Denis the Dcuk(TM) Arrives at My Heart's Fancy

When I first arrived in this country, I was sent by my guardian to a special orphanage where many matchmakers gather to hunt for a variety of rare and beautiful treasures. My orphanage was located in Dallas and as a prime example of my species, I was destined to remain at the market until my handsome looks should begin to fade. Early in March of 2006, I was fortunate to catch the eye of one very cagey buyer who was willing to pay a rather unusual ransom for me - a ransom of friendship.

Thus begins the story of my new life in the United States of America, a former colony of my homeland, England.

The ransom paid, my journey from Dallas to Oklahoma City began. The 3-1/2 hour journey by auto was uneventful. Being something of a wild child, I was a
wee bit disappointed. Upon our arrival at my new home, My Heart's Fancy, I was given an impressive title and job - "Official Greeter and Guard Duck". As official guard and greeter of all who stop to shop here (a job of which I am truly worthy), I sit high atop a shelf where I can see and be seen. One shopper commented that I was well arranged. I'm not sure what that means, but I'm sure it attests to my good looks.

On occasion, I get to travel with my owner. I'll tell you the story of Bedlam Baseball when next I post. Until then, enjoy all that life has to offer you.